Spring Decluttering

19 February 2023

We all love a good spring clean, helping us to dust away the cobwebs from winter and allowing time to refresh and declutter. This is a good opportunity to remove unwanted items from the home to make way for either new items, or, to simply allow your space to embrace a more minimalist aesthetic. We’ve compiled some top tips to help you get the most out of a declutter in time for the new season. 

Calligaris Lake 5-door Sideboard and Abrey table   
Pictured: Oleandro ChairAbrey Round Table and Lake 5-Door Sideboard, by Calligaris 

  1. Setup a ‘Declutter Station’ - This is an area with 3 boxes. One box for items to throw away, one box for items for charity, and one box for items to sell. When you are decluttering your home and clearing it of unwanted items, you won’t want to just throw everything away, so separating things into these categories can help you to make the most out of your time. 
  2. Think Storage - Once you have removed the unwanted items from your space, take care to re-organise those items you're keeping — and part of this process should be considering how you’re going to store belongings to make sure the space is appearing neat and tidy. Organisers and caddies can be used to keep items together, and they can be hidden away in clever storage designs from sideboards to ottomans. 
  3. Re-Shaping - Sometimes de-cluttering and tidying is not enough to refresh your space, so consider new configurations of your room to give it a new lease of life. It may be swapping where your TV and unit sit in the room to change the focus, or perhaps an armchair can be located nearer to a window to absorb the spring sunshine. Moving your furniture around also provides you ample opportunity to clear out the dust and cobwebs from all those hidden corners of your space. 


Whilst these 3 steps may seem simple, they are proven effective ways of giving your space a good de-clutter. Why not make plans for a seasonal refresh and revamp today. 


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