Bring the Outside In

6 May 2023

We’re always looking for new ways to bring the beauty of the natural world into our interiors, and this can be achieved through the use of natural materials, but you may find you’re still missing those small details that make us feel at one with our roots. The styling of an interior space is equally as important as the key design elements, but knowing how and what to style with can be a minefield. That is why we’ve come up with some top style tips to help you bring touches of the outside in.  

Cattelan Italia Lancer Wood Table   
Pictured: Lancer Wood Table and Velar Suspension Light by Cattelan Italia

Think green
Green is a colour that is well used in nature, and every shade and hue will do. Introducing splashes of green furnishings, glassware and plants can help bring the beauty of the natural world into your space. Luscious ferns, emerald green rugs or jade vases will all help introduce this concept without forgoing your overall design. To add these tones, it is best to introduce them into a neutral palette for contrast. 

Harness local items
To truly bring the outside in, you can do just that. Scout into your garden for sticks or pebbles – they make great additions to vases, allowing your own surroundings to be recognisable within your interior, a true design echo. 

Fresh scents
Nothing quite compares to the scent of freshly cut grass or the ocean breeze, it transports you to that place and takes control of another sense. With this in mind, identifying a notable scent and bringing it into your interior is a great way of introducing the outside in. Whether this be through a candle or room diffuser, however you choose to bring in your scent, place it in a central part of your room for the best possible distribution to your space.

These are just some of the simple yet effective ways to bring touches of the outside, inside.



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